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Kinesio® Tex Gold FP Tape, Water Repellent, 2” x 103’
Developed exclusively for Kinesio Professionals, Dr. Kenzo Kase and Kinesio bring to you the latest ReEvolution in Kinesio® Tex tape with over 30 years of research and development. Advancements in technology have now enabled a ReEvolution that fulfills the original vision. From our original and now world famous wave pattern design Kinesio has developed a NEW enhanced and Patented FingerPrint technology.
Gold FP brings Nano-touch micro-stimulation to epidermis and layers beneath
Gold FP mimics gentle human touch yet provides a more effective hold
Gold FP features a higher grade cotton with more breathability
Gold FP features a new protected weave process for improved comfort
Gold FP core properties remain for all Kinesio Taping® specifications
Gold FP is hypoallergenic and latex free for all patient populations
Gold FP is exclusively available to Medical Care Professionals only