
Exam Room Supplies - Medical Room Supplies & Clinical Supplies

Exam room supplies need to be cost effective, given that many of them are the types of supplies that physical therapy practices will go through quickly. Clinical supplies such as headrest squares, gauze, scissors and other necessities can all be found in this section at good prices. Exam Room Supplies - Medical Room Supplies & Clinical Supplies

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Satisfaction Guarantee
We want you to be 100% satisfied. Our aim is to provide you with quality products at an affordable price. If an item does not meet your expectations, we'll gladly refund your money within 30 days of initial receipt. In order to keep our prices the lowest possible, some exceptions apply. A 20% restocking fee will be applied to returns received 31-59 days after initial receipt. Returns for orders over 60 days will not be processed. Please see our [1]Returns section for detailed information.

If you find the same product for a lower price from any other company, we will refund/match the difference. Offer is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. Valid on orders shipped within the continental United States. Cannot price match against auction sites. Pricing match is based on competitor complying with Manufacturer’s Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy. If a product is listed below “MAP” we may not be able to match that price. Vendor that we price match must have product available to purchase and not on backorder.

Items 1-20 of 98

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  1. Vinyl Pillow Protector Vinyl Pillow Protector
  2. Sale
    Presto® Electronic Digital Timer - LCD Display Presto® Electronic Digital Timer - LCD Display
    $12.47 Special Price $11.25
  3. Disposable 3-ply Face Mask with Ear Loop Blue Box of 50 Disposable 3-ply Face Mask with Ear Loop Blue Box of 50
  4. Biersdorf (BSN Jobst) Comprifoam White Foam Compression Bandage, Sterile, Latex-free Biersdorf (BSN Jobst) Comprifoam White Foam Compression Bandage, Sterile, Latex-free
    $8.67 - $8.87
  5. Cotton Hand Towels 1 Dozen Cotton Hand Towels 1 Dozen
  6. Exam Glove Trilon® NonSterile Clear Powder Free Vinyl Cypress Powder Free Vinyl Exam Gloves - 100% Latex Free.
    $9.67 - $96.47
  7. Hartmann® Non-Woven Padding Bandage – 4” x 3.8 yds Hartmann® Non-Woven Padding Bandage – 4” x 3.8 yds (10 cm x 3.5 m), Each
  8. 3M Steri-Strip Antimicrobial Skin Closures 3M Steri-Strip Antimicrobial Skin Closures
    $2.27 - $113.87
  9. DUKAL™ Tongue Depressors 6 Non-Sterile 500/Box DUKAL™ Tongue Depressors 6" Non-Sterile 500/Box
  10. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% H202 16 Oz Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% - Liquid H202 - 16 oz Bottle
  11. Adult Sterile Tongue Depressors Adult Sterile Tongue Depressors
  12. Swan® Isopropyl Alcohol 70% Bottle 16 oz. - Each Swan® Isopropyl Alcohol 70% Bottle 16 oz.
  13. Curity Sterile Gauze Pad-12Ply 4X4 100/Box Curity Sterile Gauze Pad-12Ply 4"X4" 100/Box
  14. CURITY Sterile Gauze Pad - 12-Ply, 4 x 4 Sterile 1s in Peel-Back Pkg CURITY Sterile Gauze Pad - 12-Ply, 4" x 4" Sterile 1's in Peel-Back Pkg
    $33.87 - $405.17
  15. Sale
    CanDo Pneumatic Mobile Stool, with Back, 18 - 22 H, Black Upholstery CanDo Pneumatic Mobile Stool, with Back, 18" - 22" H, Black Upholstery
    $110.07 Special Price $99.00
  16. White Hand Towel 16X27 White Hand Towel 16" x 27" - Spa Hand Towels
  17. Co-Lastic Cohesive Elastic Bandages Co-Lastic® Cohesive Elastic Bandages - Self-Adherent
    $2.97 - $40.97
  18. Toothette Plus Oral Swabs with Mouth Refresh Solution Toothette Plus Oral Swabs with Mouth Refresh Solution.
    $2.47 - $221.87
  19. Lister Bandage Scissors 7.25 Lister Bandage Scissors 7.25"
  20. Gauze Sponge Curity™ Gauze 8-Ply 2 X 2 Inch Square Sterile Gauze Sponge Curity™ Gauze 8-Ply 2 X 2 Inch Square Sterile
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I don't know what we would have done if we had not had Advantage Medical as our supplier. From the days before opening until now, they have been here for us. The promptness of your services have been fantastic. The array of products is phenomenal and the great pricing you just can't beat. I want to say a great big "thank you" to Brenda as well she has been the best rep that anyone could ever ask to have call on an office. She is so knowledgeable and has the expertise to help you through from opening to anytime you may need her.

Dr. Roby Taylor Myers, Owner & Lead Chiropractor at East Coast Elite Chiropractic-Sports Performance & Rehab

I appreciate all the support over the last 2 years while setting up my new practice. I have had successful results with over 90-95% of my patients with disc injuries/ neck/ back pain in utilizing the DTS table as a stand alone treatment. I will be honest- it was a tough decision initially because of the financial investment/ commitment while I was starting practice. I am glad that I decided to integrate the DTS into my practice from the start because of the referrals and the wonderful response from my patients. Thanks again for all your help over the last 2 years and continued support.

Dr. Michael Sobran

Tax Savings


See how Section 44 - (ADA) Disable Access Credit and Section 179 - Special Declaration Rule can significantly bring down the cost of chiropractic table ownership for eligible access expenditures.

Exam Room Supplies
Exam Room Supplies

Exam Room Supplies
